Partners List
At OAF we are delighted to be collaborating on different projects
with different local NGOs with whom we share common values and approaches.

In September 2021, we met 2 Teach for Armenia teachers starting their 2 years
placement in the Syunik region. As we described our charity support, they were
immediately interested and by March 2022 we visited and donated a selection of
books to 4 different schools in Syunik.
Moving forward we formalised our book donation programme Books for Hope with
Teach for Armenia in 2023. OAF – Kayun Himnaqarer have been running the much-
loved programme in collaboration with Teach for Armenia who selects 3 schools
every 3 months for book donations to their libraries.
Books for Hope programme has been a success because of our joined efforts. We
are grateful to collaborate with such an amazing partner. Teach for Armenia’s
inspiring teachers engage young readers to discuss their opinions and write guided
book reviews.

Since 2021, we have partnered with Armenian Caritas. This fruitful collaboration has
produced 3 years of Summer Art camps in the Shirak region. Armenian Caritas has
been instrumental in facilitating and managing the Summer Art Camp programme
while OAF financed and collaborated to the design of the content offering.
Furthermore, OAF – Kayun Himnaqarer are grateful to be providing a new and
interactive programme of English conversation classes to teenagers attending
Armenian Caritas’ run “Little Prince” centres in Gyumri and Gavar.

Our collaboration with Nor-Arar Education NGO started in early 2023. It has rapidly
grown into impactful and innovative projects.
OAF-Kayun Himnaqarer supported the KARDA programme designed and run by
Nor-Arar, by donating booked for their annual literacy development program in 2023
and 2024.
In addition, OAF – Kayun Himnaqarer and Nor Arar have closely collaborated to
design an interactive life-long professional development programme for preschool
teachers. The Stepping Stones to Reading programme blends socio-emotional
development and introduction to literacy for a better transition from preschool to

This long-standing partnership relies on Birthright Armenia providing experts for our
Summer Art Camp for children living in remote villages of the Shirak region.
Our partner selects volunteer candidates after a thorough need assessment and
vetting process to find outstanding educators.